Hope and Glory Foundation was created after founders Tim & Zoraida Roberts embarked on a humanitarian journey to Nicaragua. Upon arrival, the founders witnessed children living in extreme poverty unlike anywhere else in the Americas. Children were waiting in land fills for the arrival of newly discarded trash, searching for anything that was edible so they could eat and fight starvation. This sight alone broke their hearts and inspired them to make a difference and help those children in need.
In 2011, the founders traveled back to Nicaragua to assess where the greatest need was and to determine what their first program needed to be in order to make the greatest impact. That is when they decided eradicating poverty and fighting starvation had to be their primary focus.
Since their founding, Tim & Zoraida have developed a variety of programs to accomplish their goals. They have developed food programs which help feed and nourish the starving children. They have also developed educational programs teaching the children how to read and write, and also a prosthetic and amputation assistance program where they help children in need of prostheses to enhance their quality of life and provide them with hope.
As our name implies, our mission is to spread HOPE and GLORY to those in need. By providing help, love, nourishment, and knowledge to those that lack it and seek it, we can improve their lives, giving them HOPE and prepare them to live in a future with dignity and GLORY.
We believe that together, we can end the terrors of poverty by feeding the body, mind, and spirit with nourishment, knowledge, and love. It is through your support and contributions that allows us to make a difference, and save the lives of those in need.
help us continue our mission, saving lives and spreading hope to those in need